Group A Our Chicks Hatched

Group B Our Chicks have Hatched

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

KinderLION News September 10-14

Dear Parents, This week we started the Reading Street Reading Program. Unit 1, week 1 story is "The Little School Bus" by Carol Roth. I am sending home tonight a Reading Street Packet. The first page of the packet is called the Student Login Letter. It is very important not to lose this letter, because it has your child’s user name and password for the Pearson SuccessNet Reading Street Online Program. Reading Street allows parents to login and use the online resources that go along with the Kindergarten Reading Street Reading Program. You can follow along with each unit, and also read books online at your child’s reading level, and play the interactive games that go along with each unit. First you will go to the website: and then enter the username and password I created for your child. Have fun exploring! Peanut Allergy: ALERT: We have a child with a Peanut allergy. My classroom has to be Peanut and Peanut oil free. For the safety of that child, please do NOT send any item that contains peanuts or peanut oil. Thanks for your help in keeping all students safe. Folders: I am missing several folders. Papers came back but no folders. If you find them at home, please send them back to school. We will be sending home Wednesday/Thursday folders each week. Wednesday Folders for Group A children (Blue) and Thursday folders for Group B children (Red). It is important to go through and return to school the NEXT school day your child is in school. It is very important you go through the folder each week. There will be lots of papers from the office that you may need to fill out and return. Empty the folder of any paper you do not need to return and keep at home. Send back any papers, lunch money, school fees, etc.. that need to be sent back to school on the NEXT school day. I will keep the folder and send back the next week with new papers for the week. Thank you for your help with folders. Homework: Homework packets and Math Books will be sent home the first week in October. Today you are receiving the Reading Street login, where I assign books that can be read online. I know some of you do not have access to the Internet, so this is not a mandatory assignment. If you know someone that has the internet and you can log on, or if you visit the public library, this free resource will be very helpful for your child. School Fees: Thanks to all the parents who have turned in the school fees. If you have not yet paid, please do so as soon as possible. School Fees of $50 need to be turned in as soon as possible. You can make 4 equal payments of $12.50 (1 payment for each quarter) if this helps. Please make sure you put your child's first and last name on the Memo line of the check. Lunch and Lunch Money: We eat lunch at 12:30 every day. If you child is going to buy lunch it is easier to send in money in a lump sum. For example, If you send a check of $25 for your child, write their first/last name on the memo line and their account number on the check. The money goes into their lunch account. Each day they buy, your child will go through the lunch line, and will wear the name tag I made them with their ID number. The ladies in the cafe will type in the number and your child's account will be deducted the amount of the purchase. They will use the money until the account is empty. Then you can send in another check. You can send cash too, but please make sure it is in a sealed baggie or envelope with your child's first/last name on it. Any money not used at the end of the year, will roll over in their account for next year. Dates to Remember: Friday, September 14th Group B (Tuesday-Thursday Children will attend) Friday, September 21st Group A (Monday-Wednesday Children will attend)

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